Sher on Meer Taqi Meer
Mir Taqi Mir has been
used by a number of poets as a subject in their poetry. All poets who wrote after Mir acknowledged him as a master. While reading these verses you may see how Mir has been a healthy obsession with the poets through ages.
reḳhte ke tumhīñ ustād nahīñ ho 'ġhālib'
kahte haiñ agle zamāne meñ koī 'mīr' bhī thā
reKHte ke tumhin ustad nahin ho 'ghaalib'
kahte hain agle zamane mein koi 'mir' bhi tha
Tag : Rekhta
nāhaq ham majbūroñ par ye tohmat hai muḳhtārī kī
chāhte haiñ so aap kareñ haiñ ham ko abas badnām kiyā
Us weak, she wrongfully accuses, of taking untold liberty
while she acts as she chooses, and maligns us needlessly
nahaq hum majburon par ye tohmat hai muKHtari ki
chahte hain so aap karen hain hum ko abas badnam kiya
Us weak, she wrongfully accuses, of taking untold liberty
while she acts as she chooses, and maligns us needlessly
shāgird haiñ ham 'mīr' se ustād ke 'rāsiḳh'
ustādoñ kā ustād hai ustād hamārā
shagird hain hum 'mir' se ustad ke 'rasiKH'
ustadon ka ustad hai ustad hamara
mere rone kī haqīqat jis meñ thī
ek muddat tak vo kāġhaz nam rahā
where the true saga of my weeping was contained
sodden, moist for ages then, that paper remained
मीर की शायरी कल्पना की बुलंदी की शायरी है। सादा से शब्दों में सांसारिक विषयों को बयान करना मीर की शान है।
मीर ने ज़िंदगी भर ग़म को महसूस किया, ग़म को बरता और उसको अपनी शायरी के कैनवस पर उभारा। इस रंगा-रंगी ने उनके लहजे को अकेला और उनको ख़ुदा-ए-सुख़न बना दिया।
इस शे’र में शायर इंतहाई आसान लफ़्ज़ों में अपने दुख को बयान करता है। शायर कहता है उसकी ज़िंदगी दुख और दर्द में बसर हुई है। परेशानियों और मुसीबतों में गुज़री है। इस हद तक ग़मों में गुज़री है कि अपने ऊपर बीती हुई परेशानियों को जब उसने काग़ज़ पर लिखा और बहुत मुमकिन है कि ये काग़ज़ एक ख़त के रूप में हो जो उसने अपने महबूब को भेजा हो, तो शिद्दत-ए-ग़म से उसके आँसू इस काग़ज़ या ख़त में समाहित हो गए। बाद में वो काग़ज़ आँसुओं के प्रभाव से एक लंबे समय तक रह गया यानी नम रहा।
इस ऊपरी मायने के अलावा एक और प्रभाव भी इस शे’र से उभर कर आता है और वो ये है कि शायर की दुखी ज़िंदगी की कहानी जिस ख़त में या जिस काग़ज़ पर लिखी थी वो काग़ज़ उस तहरीर के दुख से भरे होने की वजह से जैसे दर्द की तस्वीर बन कर रह गया।
गम को बरतने और उसके अन्य दृष्टिकोणों के बयान करने का जो अंदाज़ मीर के हाँ है वो शायद ही कहीं और मिलता हो। मीर बहुत सरल शब्दों में अपने आपको बयान करते हैं और उनका वर्णन सांसारिक रंग हासिल कर लेता है। एक और ज़रूरी नुक्ता जो इस शे’र के तअल्लुक़ से बयान करना ज़रूरी है वो ये कि इस शे’र में एक हाल का ज़िक्र बढ़ा चढ़ा कर किया गया है मगर ये अतिशयोक्ति बहुत हसीन है, जिसने शे’र के क्रा़फ्ट को बहुत ही रंगीन बना दिया है, बहुत हसीन बना दिया है।
Sohail Azad
mere rone ki haqiqat jis mein thi
ek muddat tak wo kaghaz nam raha
where the true saga of my weeping was contained
sodden, moist for ages then, that paper remained
मीर की शायरी कल्पना की बुलंदी की शायरी है। सादा से शब्दों में सांसारिक विषयों को बयान करना मीर की शान है।
मीर ने ज़िंदगी भर ग़म को महसूस किया, ग़म को बरता और उसको अपनी शायरी के कैनवस पर उभारा। इस रंगा-रंगी ने उनके लहजे को अकेला और उनको ख़ुदा-ए-सुख़न बना दिया।
इस शे’र में शायर इंतहाई आसान लफ़्ज़ों में अपने दुख को बयान करता है। शायर कहता है उसकी ज़िंदगी दुख और दर्द में बसर हुई है। परेशानियों और मुसीबतों में गुज़री है। इस हद तक ग़मों में गुज़री है कि अपने ऊपर बीती हुई परेशानियों को जब उसने काग़ज़ पर लिखा और बहुत मुमकिन है कि ये काग़ज़ एक ख़त के रूप में हो जो उसने अपने महबूब को भेजा हो, तो शिद्दत-ए-ग़म से उसके आँसू इस काग़ज़ या ख़त में समाहित हो गए। बाद में वो काग़ज़ आँसुओं के प्रभाव से एक लंबे समय तक रह गया यानी नम रहा।
इस ऊपरी मायने के अलावा एक और प्रभाव भी इस शे’र से उभर कर आता है और वो ये है कि शायर की दुखी ज़िंदगी की कहानी जिस ख़त में या जिस काग़ज़ पर लिखी थी वो काग़ज़ उस तहरीर के दुख से भरे होने की वजह से जैसे दर्द की तस्वीर बन कर रह गया।
गम को बरतने और उसके अन्य दृष्टिकोणों के बयान करने का जो अंदाज़ मीर के हाँ है वो शायद ही कहीं और मिलता हो। मीर बहुत सरल शब्दों में अपने आपको बयान करते हैं और उनका वर्णन सांसारिक रंग हासिल कर लेता है। एक और ज़रूरी नुक्ता जो इस शे’र के तअल्लुक़ से बयान करना ज़रूरी है वो ये कि इस शे’र में एक हाल का ज़िक्र बढ़ा चढ़ा कर किया गया है मगर ये अतिशयोक्ति बहुत हसीन है, जिसने शे’र के क्रा़फ्ट को बहुत ही रंगीन बना दिया है, बहुत हसीन बना दिया है।
Sohail Azad
dekh to dil ki jaañ se uThtā hai
ye dhuāñ sā kahāñ se uThtā hai
see if it rises from the heart or from the soul it flows
does anybody know the source from where this smoke arose?
dekh to dil ki jaan se uThta hai
ye dhuan sa kahan se uThta hai
see if it rises from the heart or from the soul it flows
does anybody know the source from where this smoke arose?
ishq bin jiine ke ādāb nahīñ aate haiñ
'mīr' sāhab ne kahā hai ki miyāñ ishq karo
ishq bin jine ke aadab nahin aate hain
'mir' sahab ne kaha hai ki miyan ishq karo
ġham rahā jab tak ki dam meñ dam rahā
dil ke jaane kā nihāyat ġham rahā
My sorrow remained as long as the breath of life remained in me.
I grieved deeply over the loss of my heart.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
gham raha jab tak ki dam mein dam raha
dil ke jaane ka nihayat gham raha
My sorrow remained as long as the breath of life remained in me.
I grieved deeply over the loss of my heart.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
'mīr' kā rañg baratnā nahīñ āsāñ ai 'dāġh'
apne dīvāñ se milā dekhiye dīvāñ un kā
'mir' ka rang baratna nahin aasan ai 'dagh'
apne diwan se mila dekhiye diwan un ka
sher mere bhī haiñ pur-dard va-lekin 'hasrat'
'mīr' kā sheva-e-guftār kahāñ se lā.ūñ
sher mere bhi hain pur-dard wa-lekin 'hasrat'
'mir' ka shewa-e-guftar kahan se laun
laayā hai mirā shauq mujhe parde se bāhar
maiñ varna vahī ḳhalvatī-e-rāz-e-nihāñ huuñ
My own passion brought me out from behind the curtain,
for I am really one who dwells in mystery, in secret seclusion.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
laya hai mera shauq mujhe parde se bahar
main warna wahi KHalwati-e-raaz-e-nihan hun
My own passion brought me out from behind the curtain,
for I am really one who dwells in mystery, in secret seclusion.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
Tags : Tasawwufand 1 more
'saudā' tū is ġhazal ko ġhazal-dar-ġhazal hī kah
honā hai tujh ko 'mīr' se ustād kī taraf
'sauda' tu is ghazal ko ghazal-dar-ghazal hi kah
hona hai tujh ko 'mir' se ustad ki taraf
guzre bahut ustād magar rañg-e-asar meñ
be-misl hai 'hasrat' suḳhan-e-'mīr' abhī tak
guzre bahut ustad magar rang-e-asar mein
be-misl hai 'hasrat' suKHan-e-'mir' abhi tak
hamāre mīr-taqī-'mīr' ne kahā thā kabhī
miyāñ ye āshiqī izzat bigāḌ detī hai
hamare mir-taqi-'mir' ne kaha tha kabhi
miyan ye aashiqi izzat bigaD deti hai
'hālī' suḳhan meñ 'sheftā' se mustafīd hai
'ġhālib' kā mo'taqid hai muqallid hai 'mīr' kā
'haali' suKHan mein 'shefta' se mustafid hai
'ghaalib' ka mo'taqid hai muqallid hai 'mir' ka
Tag : Mirza Ghalib
jis sar ko ġhurūr aaj hai yaañ tāj-varī kā
kal us pe yahīñ shor hai phir nauhagarī kā
the head that's held high today because it wears a crown
tomorrow, here itself, will in lamentation drown
jis sar ko ghurur aaj hai yan taj-wari ka
kal us pe yahin shor hai phir nauhagari ka
the head that's held high today because it wears a crown
tomorrow, here itself, will in lamentation drown
ab ḳhudā maġhfirat kare us kī
'mīr' marhūm thā ajab koī
ab KHuda maghfirat kare us ki
'mir' marhum tha ajab koi
hamārā 'mīr'-jī se muttafiq honā hai nā-mumkin
uThānā hai jo patthar ishq kā to halkā bhārī kyā
hamara 'mir'-ji se muttafiq hona hai na-mumkin
uThana hai jo patthar ishq ka to halka bhaari kya
'ġhālib' apnā ye aqīda hai ba-qaul-e-'nāsiḳh'
aap be-bahra hai jo mo'taqid-e-'mīr' nahīñ
'ghaalib' apna ye aqida hai ba-qaul-e-'nasiKH'
aap be-bahra hai jo mo'taqid-e-'mir' nahin
go ki tū 'mīr' se huā behtar
'mus.hafī' phir bhī 'mīr' 'mīr' hī hai
go ki tu 'mir' se hua behtar
'mushafi' phir bhi 'mir' 'mir' hi hai
'dāġh' ke sher javānī meñ bhale lagte haiñ
'mīr' kī koī ġhazal gaao ki kuchh chain paḌe
'dagh' ke sher jawani mein bhale lagte hain
'mir' ki koi ghazal gao ki kuchh chain paDe
shubh 'nāsiḳh' nahīñ kuchh 'mīr' kī ustādī meñ
aap be-bahra hai jo mo'taqid-e-'mīr' nahīñ
shubh 'nasiKH' nahin kuchh 'mir' ki ustadi mein
aap be-bahra hai jo mo'taqid-e-'mir' nahin
maiñ huuñ kyā chiiz jo us tarz pe jā.ūñ 'akbar'
'nāsiḳh' o 'zauq' bhī jab chal na sake 'mīr' ke saath
main hun kya chiz jo us tarz pe jaun 'akbar'
'nasiKH' o 'zauq' bhi jab chal na sake 'mir' ke sath
tum pe kyā ḳhaak asar hogā mire sheroñ kā
tum ko to mīr-taqī-'mīr' nahīñ khīñch sakā
tum pe kya KHak asar hoga mere sheron ka
tum ko to mir-taqi-'mir' nahin khinch saka
saḳht mushkil thā imtihān-e-ġhazal
'mīr' kī naql kar ke paas hue
saKHt mushkil tha imtihan-e-ghazal
'mir' ki naql kar ke pas hue
āshiqī meñ 'mīr' jaise ḳhvāb mat dekhā karo
bāvle ho jāoge mahtāb mat dekhā karo
aashiqi mein 'mir' jaise KHwab mat dekha karo
bawle ho jaoge mahtab mat dekha karo
Tag : WhatsApp
shā.erī meñ 'mīr'-o-'ġhālib' ke zamāna ab kahāñ
shohrateñ jab itnī sastī hoñ adab dekhegā kaun
shaeri mein 'mir'-o-'ghaalib' ke zamana ab kahan
shohraten jab itni sasti hon adab dekhega kaun
jab bhī TuuTā mire ḳhvāboñ kā hasīñ tāj-mahal
maiñ ne ghabrā ke kahī 'mīr' ke lahje meñ ġhazal
jab bhi TuTa mere KHwabon ka hasin taj-mahal
main ne ghabra ke kahi 'mir' ke lahje mein ghazal
jab ġhazal 'mīr' kī paḌhtā hai paḌosī merā
ik namī sī mirī dīvār meñ aa jaatī hai
jab ghazal 'mir' ki paDhta hai paDosi mera
ek nami si meri diwar mein aa jati hai
tumhārī yaad bhī chupke se aa ke baiTh ga.ī
ġhazal jo 'mīr' kī ik gungunā rahā thā maiñ
tumhaari yaad bhi chupke se aa ke baiTh gai
ghazal jo 'mir' ki ek gunguna raha tha main
kal shaam chhat pe mīr-taqī-'mīr' kī ġhazal
maiñ gungunā rahī thī ki tum yaad aa ga.e
kal sham chhat pe mir-taqi-'mir' ki ghazal
main gunguna rahi thi ki tum yaad aa gae
kah do 'mīr'-o-'ġhālib' se ham bhī sher kahte haiñ
vo sadī tumhārī thī ye sadī hamārī hai
kah do 'mir'-o-'ghaalib' se hum bhi sher kahte hain
wo sadi tumhaari thi ye sadi hamari hai
un ne to teġh khīñchī thī par jī chalā ke 'mīr'
ham ne bhī ek dam meñ tamāshā dikhā diyā
She merely drew her sword, Mir, but the daring of my love
made a spectacular show for a glorious moment.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
un ne to tegh khinchi thi par ji chala ke 'mir'
hum ne bhi ek dam mein tamasha dikha diya
She merely drew her sword, Mir, but the daring of my love
made a spectacular show for a glorious moment.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
suno maiñ 'mīr' kā dīvān samajhtā huuñ use
jo namāzī haiñ vo qur.ān samajhte hoñge
suno main 'mir' ka diwan samajhta hun use
jo namazi hain wo quran samajhte honge
ik 'mīr' thā so aaj bhī kāġhaz meñ qaid hai
hindī ġhazal kā dūsrā autār maiñ hī huuñ
ek 'mir' tha so aaj bhi kaghaz mein qaid hai
hindi ghazal ka dusra autar main hi hun
poshīda rāz-e-ishq chalā jaa.e thā sau aaj
be-tāqatī ne dil kī vo parda uThā diyā
My love had remained secret so far, and today
the faintness of my heart forced the curtain up.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
poshida raaz-e-ishq chala jae tha sau aaj
be-taqati ne dil ki wo parda uTha diya
My love had remained secret so far, and today
the faintness of my heart forced the curtain up.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
martā thā maiñ to baaz rakkhā marne se mujhe
ye kah ke koī aisā kare hai are are
I was going to take my own life but she prevented me,
saying: Does anyone do such a deed? No! DON't do it! don't!
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
marta tha main to baz rakkha marne se mujhe
ye kah ke koi aisa kare hai are are
I was going to take my own life but she prevented me,
saying: Does anyone do such a deed? No! DON't do it! don't!
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
'mīr' jī ishq maanā ki ne.amat nahīñ par maiñ is ko balā bhī nahīñ māntā
māntā huuñ ḳhudā-e-suḳhan bhī tumheñ aur hukm-e-ḳhudā bhī nahīñ māntā
'mir' ji ishq mana ki neamat nahin par main is ko bala bhi nahin manta
manta hun KHuda-e-suKHan bhi tumhein aur hukm-e-KHuda bhi nahin manta
ahvāl-e-'mīr' kyūñkar āḳhir ho ek shab meñ
ik umr ham ye qissa tum se kahā kareñge
How would it be possible to give a full account of Mir in a single night?
A whole lifetime gone and I'd still be narrating his story to you.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
ahwal-e-'mir' kyunkar aaKHir ho ek shab mein
ek umr hum ye qissa tum se kaha karenge
How would it be possible to give a full account of Mir in a single night?
A whole lifetime gone and I'd still be narrating his story to you.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
paañv ke nīche kī miTTī bhī na hogī ham sī
kyā kaheñ umr ko is tarah basar ham ne kiyā
The dirt of the road trampled underfoot day and night can't compare with my state.
What more can I say, except that that was how I lived my life?
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
panw ke niche ki miTTi bhi na hogi hum si
kya kahen umr ko is tarah basar hum ne kiya
The dirt of the road trampled underfoot day and night can't compare with my state.
What more can I say, except that that was how I lived my life?
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
us kī to dil-āzārī be-hech hī thī yaaro
kuchh tum ko hamārī bhī taqsīr nazar aa.ī
Friends,didn't she deliver hard blows and pain to my heart for nothing and for no reason?
But did you ever see any wrongdoing, any fault that I committed?
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
us ki to dil-azari be-hech hi thi yaro
kuchh tum ko hamari bhi taqsir nazar aai
Friends,didn't she deliver hard blows and pain to my heart for nothing and for no reason?
But did you ever see any wrongdoing, any fault that I committed?
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
thā sab ko da.avā ishq kā lekin na Thahrā koī bhī
dānista apnī jaan se dil ko uThāyā ek maiñ
Everyone boasted of their true love but none stayed the course.
The one who deliberately severed his heart from life was I alone
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
tha sab ko dawa ishq ka lekin na Thahra koi bhi
danista apni jaan se dil ko uThaya ek main
Everyone boasted of their true love but none stayed the course.
The one who deliberately severed his heart from life was I alone
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
surma jo nuur baḳhshe hai āñkhoñ ko ḳhalq kī
shāyad ki rāh-e-yār kī hī ḳhaak dhuul ho
The kohl that sharpens people's sight every where
is probably no more than the fine dust on the road that leads to the beloved.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
surma jo nur baKHshe hai aankhon ko KHalq ki
shayad ki rah-e-yar ki hi KHak dhul ho
The kohl that sharpens people's sight every where
is probably no more than the fine dust on the road that leads to the beloved.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
haiñ chāroñ taraf ḳheme khaḌe gard-bād ke
kyā jāniye junūñ ne irāda kidhar kiyā
The whirlwinds have struck camp; they stand around read to go.
Which way is madness traveling now, one wonders.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
hain chaaron taraf KHeme khaDe gard-baad ke
kya jaaniye junun ne irada kidhar kiya
The whirlwinds have struck camp; they stand around read to go.
Which way is madness traveling now, one wonders.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
aag sī ik dil meñ sulge hai kabhū bhaḌkī to 'mīr'
degī merī haDDiyoñ kā Dher juuñ īñdhan jalā
Some kind of fire smolders in my breast, Mir, and if it ever blazed up
it would incinerate my heap of bones like so much kindling
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
aag si ek dil mein sulge hai kabhu bhaDki to 'mir'
degi meri haDDiyon ka Dher jun indhan jala
Some kind of fire smolders in my breast, Mir, and if it ever blazed up
it would incinerate my heap of bones like so much kindling
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
sair-e-gulzār mubārak ho sabā ko ham to
ek parvāz na kī thī ki giraftār hue
Morning breeze, you should be happy you can enjoy the garden's loveliness. I myself
hadn't made a single flight before I was captured.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
sair-e-gulzar mubarak ho saba ko hum to
ek parwaz na ki thi ki giraftar hue
Morning breeze, you should be happy you can enjoy the garden's loveliness. I myself
hadn't made a single flight before I was captured.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
ham us ko saarī umr uThā.e phirā kiye
jo baar 'mīr' se bhī uThāyā na jā sakā
hum us ko sari umr uThae phira kiye
jo bar 'mir' se bhi uThaya na ja saka
is justujū meñ aur ḳharābī to kyā kaheñ
itnī nahīñ huī hai sabā dar-ba-dar ki ham
What els can I say of my ruination in my search for her?
Did the breeze ever wander homeless so much from place to place as I?
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
is justuju mein aur KHarabi to kya kahen
itni nahin hui hai saba dar-ba-dar ki hum
What els can I say of my ruination in my search for her?
Did the breeze ever wander homeless so much from place to place as I?
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
yārab kase hai naaqa har ġhuncha is chaman kā
rāh-e-vafā ko ham to masdūd jānte haiñ
Every bud and bloom in this park prepares for departure, oh God.
But as far as I know, the road of fidelity is blocked and barred.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
yarab kase hai naqa har ghuncha is chaman ka
rah-e-wafa ko hum to masdud jaante hain
Every bud and bloom in this park prepares for departure, oh God.
But as far as I know, the road of fidelity is blocked and barred.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
muā maiñ sajde meñ par naqsh merā baar rahā
us āstāñ pe mirī ḳhaak se ġhubār rahā
I died prostrate for her but the imprint of my being remained a burden
on her gate because the dust from my grave swirled around and became a source of vexation.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
mua main sajde mein par naqsh mera bar raha
us aastan pe meri KHak se ghubar raha
I died prostrate for her but the imprint of my being remained a burden
on her gate because the dust from my grave swirled around and became a source of vexation.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi