Haidar Ali Aatish
Ghazal 99
Sher-o-Shayari 94
ai sanam jis ne tujhe chāñd sī sūrat dī hai
usī allāh ne mujh ko bhī mohabbat dī hai
ai sanam jis ne tujhe chand si surat di hai
usi allah ne mujh ko bhi mohabbat di hai
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na gor-e-sikandar na hai qabr-e-dārā
miTe nāmiyoñ ke nishāñ kaise kaise
na gor-e-sikandar na hai qabr-e-dara
miTe namiyon ke nishan kaise kaise
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baḌā shor sunte the pahlū meñ dil kā
jo chīrā to ik qatra-e-ḳhūñ na niklā
baDa shor sunte the pahlu mein dil ka
jo chira to ek qatra-e-KHun na nikla
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but-ḳhāna toḌ Dāliye masjid ko Dhā.iye
dil ko na toḌiye ye ḳhudā kā maqām hai
you may excavate the temple, the mosque you may explode
do not break the heart of man, for this is God's abode
but-KHana toD Daliye masjid ko Dhaiye
dil ko na toDiye ye KHuda ka maqam hai
you may excavate the temple, the mosque you may explode
do not break the heart of man, for this is God's abode
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